
"Love" vs Love

I’m tired of hearing about the love that only unfolds in romance novels. The rehearsed and painless love paved by wavering eye contact, long kisses and flowery imagery of praise and awe. The fantasy forged by imagination; charted with kisses in the rain and timeless strolls under strings of fading sunlight. The love that obeys the rules of attraction but defies logic. The senseless, frantic love that engulfs one in a heartbeat and sends a tidal wave of emotion flowing through our bodies in a coin toss. The love that’s been etched in our minds not to just believe but admire as well. I want to hear not the erotic but the compassionate type of love. Handed out by those we take for granted or know all too well. The love that has withstood the fires that come with time and doesn’t speak with words but with actions. The love locked down in the deepest darkest parts in the bottom of our hearts that we locked up because we know that if we let it out we would never stop loving. I’d ra


I locked myself in an abyss of madness And all I know here is nothing but sadness I'm balancing on a fine line between madness and insanity For what I thought was happiness proved to be only vanity I fell into Pleasure's seductive charm Under the promises of her soothing arm I'm now in a fiery pit of regret Owing myself an unpayable debt If I could write a letter to Fate to apologize Or turn back time so that I can improvise My letter would be solemn and sweet, utter poetic justice A small price to pay for my monstrous misjudgment Fear consumed me, anger devoured me And they remained persistent like a mortal enemy All because I forgot the one thing before this fall: The pursuit of happiness is the greatest sorrow of all By Makomborero Marumisa